Mad – A Free Man

Mad – A Free Man

M. Mehmet Ünver

ISBN: 978-1936154043
PP: 184 Papers
Published Day: April 2010
Published By: Foremost Press, USA

About this Book

Mad, a young priest in Ninhursag’s temple, is taken from his ravaged village into slavery and marched to the Sumerian metropolis of Eridu. He becomes involved with an underground element, who have an intriguing plan to restore power to the banished goddess, Inanna, and save the land from its oppressors.

But Mad and his new friends are mistaken about many truths about the underworld and what Mad will eventually have to sacrifice to save Inanna—the very thing he has been striving for all along.

This is a simple tale about simple people in a very complex world, but their fight for truth and freedom rings true for all time.

Nice Things Said

A man's quest to satisfy his soul's desire, as well as fulfilling his destiny.

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About the Author

M. Mehmet Unver continues to be enchanted with the ancient mystery of his homeland, Turkey, a place settled at the beginning of recorded human history.

Unver currently resides in Reutlingen, Germany, with his wife and four children.

Back Cover Blurb

Mad stood at the door of the temple. Ram leaned on him with one hand and walked with the help of her baton.

Ram signaled to him to take off his tunic as they came near the fire. She pulled at the star-shaped amulet that decorated her baton until it came off in her hand, exposing the baton’s sharpened point, which she held over the fire until it was glowing red. She drew three circles on Mad’s chest from a short distance. Then she pressed five lines into his flesh over his heart. With each touch of the baton’s glowing point, he squeezed his eyes tightly from the pain. When the edges of these lines came together, everyone saw that they formed the symbol of Ninhursag: a star.

The woman assisting in the ritual handed Mad a bowl. As he raised the bowl over his head, he took an oath: „I am devoting myself to the service of Ninhursag. I am submitting my devotion and life to her. I will be a protector of peace and security in this land. I will not have pity on anyone who kills others or harms women and children. I take this oath before the Goddess Ninhursag and all of you to serve and protect this temple until I die.“

He drank the white liquid and gave the bowl back to the woman. Then, with her help, he put on the leather tunic again and knelt in front of Ram, his chest throbbing from the branding.

A Review

Feel free to use all or part of the following, and edit to suit. This content was prepared for your use. We ask no acknowledgement of any kind.

M. Mehmet Unver’s historical fantasy novel, Mad: A Free Man, is set in ancient times in southeastern Anatolia, commonly referred to as „the cradle of civilization“ and homeland to the Sumerian civilization. It is about a young temple priest and his lifelong struggle for freedom, first from the rules of his village temple, and then from the sinister machinations of a strict religious hierarchy that rules the metropolis Eridu and will do anything to retain power.

Unver was born and raised in Batman, Turkey. He currently resides in Reutlingen, Germany. Mad: A Free Man, one of Unver’s many novels, was translated from Turkish into English by Dr. Mert Arkanbas.

Mad is dedicated to the temple at a young age, but discontent with his lot in life from the beginning. He dreams of freedom outside the confines of village society, religion, and his family. He believes that by going out in a larger world, he will be free of these confines of responsibility.

His village is attacked by marauding soldiers looking for slaves and iron. Mad begins an adventure into a whole new world, full of danger and mysticism and jumps headlong into a rescue attempt to save the goddess, Inanna. He believes that if he fulfills his destiny in rescuing Inanna, he will finally be free.

Unver uses a simple writing style to portray the thoughts and doings of an Iron Age people, but Mad’s ideas are large and scenes in the story add layers to our understanding of the character of this idealistic young man from thousands of years ago.

Mad: A Free Man will leave the reader with an understanding of what it means to thirst for freedom—not just physical freedom, but the freedom to love and believe in something more than what humans have to offer. Freedom to love and idolize someone bigger than just a mortal woman. This story leaves you with a feeling of having lived in another place and time, of having struggled for perfection.

Mad: A Free Man was published by Foremost Press. It can be ordered at
ISBN-10: 1-936154-04-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-936154-04-3
184 pp




Mehmet Ünver’in tarihi fantastik romanı MAD: Özgür İnsan, eski zamanlarda, genellikle “medeniyetin beşiği” olarak anılan ve Sümer medeniyetinin anavatanı olarak anılan Güneydoğu Anadolu’da geçer. Genç bir tapınak rahibi ve önce köy tapınağının kurallarından, ardından metropol Eridu’yu yöneten ve iktidarı korumak için her şeyi yapacak olan katı bir dini hiyerarşinin uğursuz entrikalarından, ömür boyu süren özgürlük mücadelesi hakkındadır.

Ünver Batman’da doğdu ve büyüdü. Hâlen Almanya, Reutlingen’de ikamet etmektedir. Ünver’in birçok romanından biri olan MAD: Özgür İnsan.

Mad, genç yaşta tapınağa adanmıştır, ancak başından beri hayatındaki kaderinden hoşnut değildir. Köy toplumu, din ve ailesinin sınırları dışında özgürlüğün hayalini kuruyor. Daha büyük bir dünyaya çıkarak bu sorumluluk sınırlarından kurtulacağına inanıyor.

Köyü, köle ve demir arayan yağmacı askerler tarafından saldırıya uğrar. MAD, tehlike ve mistisizmle dolu yepyeni bir dünyaya doğru bir maceraya başlar ve tanrıça İnanna’yı kurtarmak için alelacele bir kurtarma girişimine atlar. İnanna’yı kurtarmakla kaderini yerine getirirse sonunda özgür olacağına inanıyor.

Ünver, Demir Çağı insanlarının düşüncelerini ve yaptıklarını tasvir etmek için basit bir yazı stili kullanır, ancak Mad’ın fikirleri büyüktür ve hikâyedeki sahneler, binlerce yıl öncesinden bu idealist genç adamın karakterine dair anlayışımıza katmanlar ekler.

MAD: Özgür İnsan, okuyucuya, özgürlüğe susamanın ne anlama geldiğine dair bir anlayış bırakacaktır – sadece fiziksel özgürlük değil, aynı zamanda insanların sunduğundan daha fazlasını sevme ve inanma özgürlüğü. Ölümlü bir kadından daha büyük birini sevme ve idolleştirme özgürlüğü. Bu hikâye size başka bir yerde ve zamanda yaşamış, mükemmellik için mücadele etmiş hissi veriyor.

MAD: Özgür İnsan, Foremost Press tarafından yayınlandı.

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